DA 0964

March 30, 1988


Delegation of Authority--Scheduling Holidays

Effective immediately, you are authorized to reschedule Presidents' Day (third Monday in February), the spring administrative holiday, the two holidays observed for Christmas, and the two holidays observed for the New Year for use as University administrative holidays between December 25 and January 1. Christmas Day (December 25) and New year's Day (January 1) may not be rescheduled. You may observe the holidays currently scheduled or reschedule them within this stated authority.

I assume that you will carry out appropriate consultation with employees and employee organizations.

This authority may not be redelegated and supersedes the July 22, 1982 delegation of authority on scheduling holidays (DA0737).

David Pierpont Gardner

Members, President's Cabinet
Principal Officers of The Regents
Assistant Vice President--Employee Relations
Director--Coordination and Review