May 3, 1985
Delegation of Authority--Policy to Permit Use of the Unofficial Seal
Effective immediately, authority granted to the President of the University under Bylaw 3.1 of The Regents to permit use of the unofficial seal is delegated as follows:
Two versions of the unofficial seal1, as shown in the attachment to this delegation, are authorized for use in printed matter. One is a replica of the corporate seal2, with the words "Seal of" deleted; the other is a simplified version, designed as an alternative for use whenever more consistent with a typographic design.
Use of the unofficial seal related to the manufacture and distribution of commercial products continues to be governed by the following provisions of Paragraph A.3. of Delegation of Authority--Policy to Permit Use of the University's Name, revised May 3, 1985.
Requests for manufacture and distribution of all commercial products bearing the name/or unofficial corporate seal of the University of California, as distinguished from that of a single campus, shall be referred to the Senior Vice President--Administration. In approving such request, the Senior Vice President-- Administration shall authorize distribution solely through one or more of the bookstores of the campuses or shall authorize other distributors who will receive their merchandise through a designated campus bookstore, and shall notify the Chancellor on each of the campuses.
Questions related to use of the unofficial seal which are not covered by this policy are to be referred to the Senior Vice President--Administration3.
This delegation supersedes the delegation on this matter issued April 8, 1983. Any redelegation of this authority shall be in writing with a copy furnished to the Director--Coordination and Review.
David Pierpont Gardner
Members, President's Cabinet
Director--Coordination and Review
Principal Officers of The Regents
1 The "simplified version"
has been removed, since technology now permits greater design flexibility.
2 The corporate seal
is used only by The Regents. The "unofficial seal" is the same design
with the words "Seal of" omitted.
3 Questions about the
use of the seal may be directed to Universitywide Policy Coordinator .