February 8, 1990
Delegation of Authority--To Solicit Gifts
The authority granted to the President to solicit gifts, under Section 100.4(dd) of the Standing Orders of The Regents, is delegated to you for the Puente Project effective immediately, and you are authorized to solicit gifts that do not specifically require the approval of The Regents. Authority to accept such gifts is retained by the Vice President--Budget and University Relations under the provisions of the authority I delegated to him in a letter dated March 24, 1986 (DA0894, superseded by DA2011). Documentation of such gifts is to be forwarded to the Vice President--Budget and University Relations for acceptance in accordance with University policy.
Regental authorization is required for solicitation or acceptance of any gift that involves:
For the purposes of this delegation the dollar amount of a gift shall be the amount of cash actually received; or, if in the form of a pledge, the full amount pledged; or shall be equivalent to the fair market value of securities or personal property.
Any redelegation of this authority shall-be in writing with copies to the Vice President--Budget and University Relations, the Director--Coordination & Review, and the General Counsel.
David Pierpont Gardner