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of 300
BFB-BUS-79: Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment, and Other Occasions
BFB-BUS-80: Insurance Programs for Institutional Information Technology Resources
BFB-BUS-81: Insurance Programs
BFB-BUS-8: Acquisition and Disposition of University Vehicles
BFB-G-13: Policy and Regulations Governing Moving and Relocation
BFB-G-1: Publication and Maintenance of Business and Finance Bulletins
BFB-G-37: Proceedings of the California Public Utilities Commission - and of the Other Equivalent Governmental Utilities Regulatory Agencies
BFB-G-38: Tax Exemption and Refund Claims Filing for Property Leased by the University
BFB-G-40: Patent Program
BFB-G-41 Employee Non-Cash Awards and Other Gifts
BFB-G-43: University Membership in Organizations
BFB-G-44: Guidelines on Accepting Equity When Licensing University Technology
BFB-G-46: Guidelines for the Purchase and Use of Cellular Phones and Other Portable Electronic Resources
BFB-G-8: Organization and Responsibilities of the Office of the Senior Vice President - Administration
BFB-IA-101: Internal Control Standards: Departmental Payrolls
BFB-IS-11: Identity and Access Management
BFB-IS-12 IT Recovery
BFB-IS-3: Information Security
BFB-IS-5: Licensing and Operation of University Radio, Television, and Microwave Facilities
BFB-RMP-1: University Records Management Program
BFB-RMP-2: Records Retention and Disposition
BFB-RMP-4: Vital Records Protection
BFB-RMP-7: Protection of Administrative Records containing Personally Identifiable Information
BFB-RMP-8: Requirements on Privacy of and Access to Information
BFB-RMP-9a: Guidelines for Access to University Personnel Records by Governmental Agencies a
of 300
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