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All Current Policies
This is a list of all current policies in alphabetical order by policy title.
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of 480
AM-I577-55: Professional Medical and Hospital Liability Program
AM-I581: Accounting for Supply Inventories
AM-I582: Investment Management and Accounting
AM-L217-11: Accounting and Reporting for Leases and Installment Purchase Contracts
AM-L316-11: Libraries and Collections: Capitalization
AM-P-196-11 Payroll: Accounting For & Tax Reporting of Mandatory Deductions and Insurance Contributions
AM-P-196-30: OASDI and Medicare Contributions
AM-P196-13: Payroll: Attendance, Time Reporting, and Leave Accrual Records
AM-P196-16: Payroll: Contribution Deductions for Fund-Raising Organizations
AM-P196-21: Damage Payments for Services Performed Before Loyalty Oath Is Signed
AM-P196-23: Payroll: Deduction-Cost Reimbursement
AM-P196-25-5: Payroll: Employees To and From Outside Organizations
AM-P196-28: Federal Taxation of Citizens
AM-P196-35: Group Automobile Insurance
AM-P196-37: Payroll: Health Sciences Compensation Plans
AM-P196-38: Payroll: Interlocation Transfers and Appointments
AM-P196-40: Payroll: Collective Bargaining Terminology
AM-P196-53: Payroll: Miscellaneous Payroll Deductions for Employee Organizations, Faculty Clubs, and Credit Unions
AM-P196-62: Payroll: Range Adjustments
AM-P196-70: Payroll: Salary Attachments and Assignments
AM-P196-76: Payroll: Settlement Payments
AM-P196-77-5: Payroll: Unemployment Insurance
AM-P196-77: Payroll: State Tax Withholding from Employees
AM-P196-78: Payroll: UCRS Accounting Procedures
AM-P196-80: Payroll: Termination Benefits
of 480
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