Current List of Delegations

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DA # Subject Authority Delegated to Date
2659 Affirming Authority to Serve as Authorized Signatory for Environmental Laws and Related Requirements Chancellors, VP-ANR 3/6/2025
2658 Policy Regarding Employee-Supplier Relationships Chancellors, LBNL Director, VP-ANR, AVP-Chief Procurement Officer 9/4/2024
2657 Approval and Execution of Financial & Banking Services EVP-Chief Financial Officer 8/9/2024
2656 UCD Authority to Set Self-Supporting, Non-Extension Certificate Fee Chancellor—UCD 11/20/2023
2655 UCM Agreement with City of Merced - Campus Annexation Chancellor—UCM 8/23/2023
2654 Delegations of Authority – Revolving Fund Withdrawals Chancellors, LBNL Director 6/15/2023
2653 UCI Operation of Campus Housing Program Chancellor—UCI 5/23/2023
2652 Authorization to participate as a member in Unizin Ltd. (“Unizin”), a member-based non-profit higher education data consortium for student success Chancellors 5/4/2023
2651 Approval Authority for Appointment and/or Compensation Actions for Level Two Senior Management Group Members Chancellors, EVP-Chief Operating Officer, LBNL Director 11/30/2022
2650 Delegation of Authority – Responsibility for Acquisition, Management and Disposition of Innovation Equity Chancellors, LBNL Director 8/9/2022
2649 UC Health and Welfare Benefit Plans Administration EVP—Chief Operating Officer 11/23/2021
2648 Administrative Actions Related to the UC Retirement Systems Plans EVP—Chief Operating Officer 11/23/2021
2647 Authority to Write Off Bad Debts Chancellors, EVP-Chief Operating Officer 11/23/2021
2646 Approval and Execution of Collective Bargaining Agreements EVP—Chief Operating Officer 11/23/2021
2645 Authorization to form a non-profit entity affiliated with the UC Davis campus under Business and Professions Code Section 23786 Chancellor—UC Davis 11/23/2021
2644 Execute Grant Application and Contracts for Children’s Hospital Bond Act of 2018 (Proposition 4) EVP―Chief Financial Officer 9/17/2021
2643 UCB Agreement with the City of Berkeley Chancellor-UC Berkeley 7/27/2021
2642 Participation in California's Cap and Trade Program and Associated Transactions EVP―Chief Financial Officer 7/22/2021
2641 Agreements Pertaining to the Purchase of Utilities Commodities and Services EVP―Chief Financial Officer 7/22/2021
2640 Delegation of Authority–Intersection Development Donation, Emeryville, Berkeley Campus Chancellor-UC Berkeley 3/19/2021
2639 Delegation of Authority to Approve Conferral of Emerita/Emeritus Title Suffix on Senior Management Group Appointees Chancellors, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Director, Executive Vice President - Chief Operating Officer 3/12/2021
2638 Appointment as Locally Designated Official (LDO) for UCOP and UC systemwide EVP―Chief Financial Officer 1/15/2021
2637 Delegation of Authority to Join Multi-University Member Limited Liability Company (UTLP) to Facilitate Licensing of University Patent Assets Chancellor-UC Los Angeles 12/14/2020
2636 Delegation of Authority to Join Multi-University Member Limited Liability Company (UTLP) to Facilitate Licensing of University Patent Assets Chancellor-UC Berkeley  12/14/2020

Authority to Approve Contractual Indemnification Provisions

Chancellors, EVP-UC Health, EVP-CFO, EVP-COO, VP-ANR and LBL Director


Authority to accept certain grants from the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) for the education and training of mental health and primary care health professionals.

Provost and Executive Vice President, Academic Affairs


To Solicit and Accept Gifts

Chancellors, Provost, Senior Vice President-Health Sciences and Services, Vice President-Agriculture and Natural Resources, Director-Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Authority to Act for the President

Provost And Executive Vice President—Academic Affairs, Executive Vice President—Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President—Chief Operating Officer, General Counsel And Vice President For Legal Affairs


Capital Project Matters

Chancellors, Director-Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Executive Vice President-Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President-Chief Operating Officer, Vice President-Agriculture and Natural Resources


Authority to Approve, Obtain, and Manage External Financing and to Execute External Financing Documents

Executive Vice President-Chief Financial Officer


Third-Party Agreements, University Vanpool Programs

Chancellors, Executive Vice President-Chief Operating Officer, Director-Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 8/14/2018

2 North Point Street, San Francisco, San Francisco Campus

Chancellor - UC San Francisco 6/1/2018

Authority To Approve Settlements of Claims and Separation Agreements with a Value of $100,000 or Less and Voluntary Separation Program Agreements of Less Than $50,000

Executive Vice President - Chief Operating Officer 5/22/2018

Authority To Approve Faculty Salaries With Administrative Duties
Above the Regental Compensation Threshold

Chancellors 4/23/2018

Authority to Approve Non-Standard Graduated Payment-Mortgage Origination Program Loan Terms for Eligible Participants

Chancellors, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory-Director, Executive Vice President-Chief Operating Officer, Agriculture And Natural Resources-Vice President, Chancellor And Dean-UC Hastings


Administration of the University of California Housing Assistance Program

Executive Vice President-Chief Financial Officer


Authority to Execute Amendments, Modifications, and Renewals with Respect to UCSD Contract with the Office of Naval Research, Contract No. N00014-16-C-3054

Chancellor-UC San Diego 3/23/2018

Authority over and Disposition of the Property; Indemnification provisions in the Exchange and Gift Agreement; and Procurement of Property Management Services in connection with the acquisition of 2130 Post Street, San Francisco

Chancellor-UC San Francisco 3/26/2018
2615 Authority to sign/submit applications to Federal Communications Commission for authority to operate radio/TV broadcast facilities. May be redelegated EVP-COO 11/17/2017
2612 Authority to Execute Amendments, Modifications, and Renewals with Respect to UCB Contract with California Department of Social Services Chancellor-UC Berkeley 4/3/2017
2611 Authority to Execute Amendments, Modifications, Renewals with Respect to LBNL Contract with SLAC Director-LBNL 4/3/2017
2610 Authorities with respect the group health and welfare plans sponsored the University California (Health and Welfare Plans). Executive Steering committe of Health Benefits 1/25/2017
2609 Authority to execute documents materially consistent with the Project Agreement and Commercial Terms for the 2020 Project, Merced Campus Chancellor-UC Merced 9/6/2016
2608 Authority to approve an asset sale transaction on behalf of the University of California as a member of the TMT Observatory Corporation. EVP-CFO 7/13/2016
2606 Authority to approve and execute Transaction Documents for the Neurosciences Building - 19A, Mission Bay, San Francisco Campus. EVP-CFO 6/27/2016
2602 Authority to approve and execute sub-phase leases for West Village, Davis Campus. EVP-CFO 6/27/2016
2601 Approval and Execution of Documents Relating to the University’s Engagement in Mexico related to research, academic mobility, and cultural exchange. Chancellor-Riverside, and Executive Sponsor, UC Mexico Initiative 6/1/2016
2600 Approval and Execution of the Early Works Agreement for the Merced 2020 Project EVP-CFO 5/17/2016
2595 Authority to Approve Settlements of Claims and Separation Agreements with a Value of $100,000 or less and Voluntary Separation Program Agreements of Less than $50,000 Chancellors, LBNL Director 3/11/2016
2594 Execution of Documents Pertaining to the Clinical Enterprise EVPUC Health 12/22/2015
2593 Approval and Execution of Documents Relating to the University’s Participation in a Jointly Operated Research and Education Institution with Tsinghua University in Shenzhen, China. Chancellor—UC Berkeley 10/19/2015

Authority to EVP-CFO to negotiate and approve Indirect Cost Rates 
May be redelegated.

EVP-CFO 6/19/2015
2590 Authority to solicit and execute any amendments, modifications, or renewals subsequent to the initial award provided the general intent and purpose of the program remain unchanged from those originally approved. Chancellor-UC Berkeley 5/15/2015
2589 Authority to approve and conduct fundraising campaigns for support of projects w/in your jurisdiction w/goals up to $250M for any purpose. May not be redelegated. Chancellors, Provost, VP-ANR 5/04/2015
2587 Authority to Designate University of California Home Loan Program Participation for University Employees with Non-Eligible Titles

Chancellors, Director-LBNL, EVP-Chief Operating Officer, VP-ANR

2586 List of Interim Delegations redelegated To Executive Vice President — Chief Financial Officer And Interim Chief Operating Officer. Chief Financial Officer And Interim Chief Operating Officer Brostrom, Executive Vice President 11/24/2014
2582 Authority to Appoint and Dissolve Newco’s Board of Directors and Approve Newco’s Budget and Management Plan Chancellor - Los Angeles 6/6/14
2581 Payments for Teaching University Extension Courses for Certain Level Two Senior Management Group Employees Chancellors, LBNL Director, Executive Vice President – Business Operations 4/15/14
2580 Approval and Execution of Documents Relating to the
University’s Participation in a Joint Venture with Centre Testing International (CTI)
Chancellor - Los Angeles 2/27/14
2579 Authority to Return Gifts Chancellors, Provost, Senior Vice President - Health Sciences and Services, Vice President-Agriculture and Natural Resources, Director, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 2/04/14
2577 Authority to Submit Application for Construction Grant Funding Under California Department of Boating and Waterways Grant Program Chancellor-San Diego 3/28/13 


Authority to Solicit and Accept or Execute Certain Extramural Grants and Contracts Chancellors, LBNL Director, Vice President – Agriculture and Natural Resources 4/19/12
2562 Execution of Documents and Further Actions, Westwood Village Improvement Association Chancellor - Los Angeles 7/18/2011
2559 Authority to Set Miscellaneous Student Fees and Deposits, Course Materials and Services Fees, Service Charges, and Summer Session and University Extension Fees Chancellors, Provost & Executive Vice President – Academic Affairs 4/12/11
2558 President's Directive ending the Requirement to forward Copies of Redelegations of Authority (N/A) 11/12/10
2250 Authority to select the Regents Audit Firm, and other authorities (DA 0749 Authority to Administer the Risk Management Program; DA 0751 Authority to designate representatives to California agencies regarding State surplus property (other than real property); DA 0779 Authority to distribute income earned by the Short Term Investment Pool; DA 1058 Authority to execute agreements; DA 2016 Administration of University of California housing facilities; DA 2100 Authority to execute purchase contracts, subcontracts, and standard purchase orders for materials, goods, and services to be supplied to the University; DA 2195 Authority to write off disallowed Sponsored Project charges; DA 2227 Authority to Approve Settlements of Claims and Separation Agreements With a Value of $100,000 or Less and Voluntary Separation Program Agreements of Less Than $50,000) Executive Vice President – Chief Financial Officer 6/4/10
2246 Authority to Submit Propositions 61 and 3 Grant Applications and Execute Contracts Executive Vice President - Business Operations 3/10/10
2243 Delegation of Authority-Contract and Grant Administration Provost and Executive Vice President — Academic Affairs 11/9/2009
2239 Authority to Approve Indemnification Terms in Certain Limited Agreements in Support of Research Provost and Executive Vice President — Academic Affairs 9/14/09
2225 Authority to Solicit Federal Grant Funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Chancellors 6/16/09
2218 Authority to establish a local Voluntary Separation Program Chancellors, LBNL Director, Chief Executive Officers - Medical Centers, Executive Vice President - Business Operations 4/3/09
2217 Authority to approve and execute joint powers agreement with city and county of Los Angeles for a shared radio communications network Los Angeles Chancellor 3/30/09
2213 Formation of Limited Liability Company and Ground Lease of Real Property at NASA – Ames Moffett Field UCSC Chancellor  12/8/08
2210 Authority to approve academic personnel salary actions at or above the Regental threshold Provost and Executive Vice President - Academic Affairs 10/21/08
2206 Responsibility for approving and reporting gifts to an agency Chancellors; LBNL Director; Secretary and Chief of Staff to The Regents; Chief Investment Officer; Executive Vice President - Business Operations; Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources 7/2/08
2203 Authority to approve certain compensation contracts for coaches Chancellors 6/4/08;
updated 2/04/14
2195 Authority to write off disallowed Sponsored Project charges Chancellors; Provost and Executive Vice President - Academic Affairs 1/7/08
2150 Authority to approve certain faculty salaries beyond the Regental salary threshold Chancellors 12/1/04
2139 Authority to solicit and execute amendments, modifications or renewals subsequent to initial award, NASA Ames Research University Affiliated Research Center.  May be redelegated. UCSC Chancellor 10/20/03
2112 Authority to designate holders of Presidential chairs Chancellors 6/18/99
2110 Authority to confer degrees Provost and Executive Vice President - Academic Affairs 4/15/99
2108 Approval of waiver of subrogation rights, National Aeronautic and Space Administration Director - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 3/4/99
2107 Approval of waiver of subrogation rights, National Aeronautic and Space Administration Chancellors; Executive Vice President - Business Operations 2/24/99
2106 Authority to enter into written agreements with local law enforcement agencies consistent with California Education Code Section 67381 Chancellors 12/2/98
2100 Authority to execute purchase contracts, subcontracts, and standard purchase orders for materials, goods, and services to be supplied to the University Chancellors; Laboratory Directors 6/11/98
2096 Authority to execute Certifications of Application for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Chancellors 2/17/98
2087 Authority to appoint, promote, dismiss and compensate certain staff personnel Chancellors; Director - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Executive Vice President - Business Operations; Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources 9/15/97
2085 Authority to establish local Catastrophic Leave Sharing Programs Chancellors; Director - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Executive Vice President - Business Operations; Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources 6/12/97
2077 Authority to grant those exceptions to staff policies reserved to the President Executive Vice President - Business Operations 8/21/96
2075 Classification authority for Professional/Support Staff Positions and Manager/Senior Professional positions Chancellors; Director - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Executive Vice President - Business Operations; Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources 8/1/96
2073 Authority to grant exceptions to staff policy 40.D.2, compensation for holiday work for certain medical center-based classifications Chancellors 8/1/96
2069 Authority to grant exceptions to staff policy 51, Reduced Fee enrollments for certain nurse classifications Chancellors 7/29/96
2056 Authority to take certain actions reserved to the President with regard to Staff personnel policies for DOE laboratories Executive Vice President - Business Operations 4/3/96
2055 Authority to declare official intent to reimburse capital expenditures from proceeds of indebtedness Chancellors; Executive Vice President - Business Operations; Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources 3/28/96
2053 Authority to solicit and accept or execute any grants or contracts containing a Liability statement, Transportation Research Board/National Research Council Chancellors; Director - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Executive Vice President - Business Operations 1/19/96
2051 Authority to execute and implement operational permits and licenses Director - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 11/8/95
2041 Authority to solicit and accept or execute certain extramural grants and contracts Director - Federal Governmental Relations 3/10/95
2021B Responsibility for approval of name changes of graduate degree programs Provost and Executive Vice President - Academic Affairs 9/14/94
2019 Transfer, consolidation, or disestablishment of other academic units (departments or their equivalents) Provost and Executive Vice President - Academic Affairs 9/14/94
2002 Authority to name university properties, programs, and facilities within your jurisdiction Chancellors; Director - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources; Senior Vice President, University Relations 10/14/93; updated 12/17/13;
1097 Authority to make claims against debtors in bankruptcy and against estates Chancellors; Provost and Executive Vice President - Academic Affairs; Executive Vice President - Business Operations 8/18/93
1095 Authority to approve payments by commercial credit cards Chancellors; Laboratory Directors; Executive Vice President - Business Operations 7/30/93
1058 Authority to execute agreements Chancellors; Executive Vice President - Business Operations; Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources 12/30/91
1013 Authority to approve affiliation agreements following authorization by the Regents Vice President - Health Affairs 12/11/89
969 Authority to permit expenditures against firm commitments under contracts and grants Executive Vice President - Business Operations 9/7/88
916 Authority to execute certain affiliation agreements with other institutions or hospitals Chancellors; Laboratory Directors 12/8/86
868 Authority to approve transfers of operating funds Provost and Executive Vice President - Academic Affairs; Executive Vice President - Business Operations; Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources 6/13/85
865 Authority to grant permission for use of the unofficial seal of the University Chancellors; Director - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Executive Vice President - Business Operations 5/3/85
864 Authority to grant permission for use of the University's name Chancellors; Laboratory Directors (Now Director - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory); Executive Vice President - Business Operations 5/3/85
856 Authority to enter into and execute agreements pertaining to purchase of utilities commodities and services Chancellors; Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources 1/14/85
828 Classification authority for staff personnel positions Chancellors; Executive Vice President - Business Operations; Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources 12/4/84
782 Authority to file actions in Small Claims courts Chancellors; Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources; Executive Vice President - Business Operations 4/8/83
777 Authority to grant exceptions to the policy regarding employee-vendor relationships Chancellors; Director - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Vice President - Agriculture & Natural Resources; Executive Vice President - Business Operations 3/25/83
751 Authority to designate representatives to California agencies regarding State surplus property (other than real property) Executive Vice President - Business Operations 12/1/82
749 Authority to administer the University Risk Management Program Executive Vice President – Chief Financial Officer 12/1/82
693 Authority to solicit and accept or execute extramural grants and contracts for construction of facilities Chancellors; Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources 4/7/81
666 Authority to approve expenditures against firm commitments under contracts and grants Chancellors; Vice President - Agriculture and University Services (Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources) 4/14/80
644 Authority to confer degrees Chancellors 2/22/80
554 Authority to apply for alcoholic beverage service licenses Chancellors; Director - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1/10/77
415 Authority to dispose of found and unclaimed property Chancellors 5/18/73
327 Authority to Make Nominations to the Agricultural Pest Control Advisory Committee, State Department of Agriculture Vice President - Agricultural and Natural Resources 3/21/72
307 Authority to adopt traffic regulations Provost and Executive Vice President - Academic Affairs 7/14/71
305 Authority to adopt traffic regulations Director - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 7/14/71
304 Authority to adopt traffic regulations Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources 7/14/71
303 Authority to adopt traffic regulations Chancellors 7/14/71
229 Authority to execute agreements for use of Agricultural Extension Services buildings/facilities which contain hold harmless language Vice President - Agricultural and Natural Resources 7/23/69
131 Authority to apply for licenses for radioactive materials Chancellors 11/23/66
124 Authority to sign documents in connection with use of industrial alcohol Chancellors 10/10/66